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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  April 15, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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they were going after a crowd of innocence like that. but it doesn't really mean mean it was domestic or international. again, we want to remember the times square bombing, thinking back to olympic park bombing many, many years ago, there are a variety of suspects they will be looking at here, both domestic and international. >> okay, martha rads ats. thank you very much. it's 6:00 on the east coast. for the last few hours we' >> this is abc 7 breaking news. >> chaos at the boston marathon. at least two people were dead this hour, dozens more hurt after a pair bombs detonated at the finish line of that historic race. we are getting word now of
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another incident in the boston area that may or may not be related to the other explosions. >> this took place at the kennedy library at harvard university. we are now told it is probably fire related and a coincidence. we have team coverage on all angles of the story. let's go to jay korff in our newsroom for the latest. >> within a span of 10-15 seconds, one of the most popular sporting events in the nation turns into a scene of horror when two bombs went off. >> new video of the original explosion. it is just coming up. >> law enforcement officials say to back-to-back explosions near the finish line of the boston marathon set off at about 2:50
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p.m.. dozens were injured and at least two were killed. the injuries are horrific. severed limbs, children with burns, the kind of injuries you see in a war zone. lacerations, amputees, a lot of shrapnel. >> we are recommending to people that they stay home. you are in hotels in the area, that they return to their rooms. do not congregate in large crowds. we want to make sure i completely stabilized the situation. >> there are reports of other explosive devices being found in other locations. we do not know if they are related to the bombings near the finish line.
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no individual or group has taken responsibility for the attacks. the president has been briefed and we are hearing that mr. obama may address the nation momentarily. we will keep you posted on developments as they occur. >> police have ramped up security and patrols after today's bombing. punjab and avenue has been cordoned off. -- pennsylvania avenue has been cordoned off. examples seeing many of heightened security across the d.c. region. k-9 units from metro transit police are inspecting the backs of passengers. nbc news is reporting heightened security at the pentagon. here outside the u.s. capitol we are seeing increased presence patrolling the area. the actions for visitors in the area have been normal, but for
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those who call austin home, there is perhaps an even greater sense of sadness and shot. -- who call boston home. >> a little afraid, hoping people we know who ran in the race are ok. outside the capital, motorcycle officers patrol the grounds as a precaution, while visitors continued familiar note routines of strolling in taking pictures. outside the white house, action, as police closed down pedestrian traffic as a safety measure. to department shifted heightened alert moments after the explosions in boston and will remain there for the time being. >> i cannot dwell on it. >> did you feel safe right now inside the capitol?
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>> pretty much. >> shocked and saddened by the news of boston, but there faith back home is unshaken. >> we will come out stronger in the end. >> metro transit police have increased security during tonight's rush hour and that will have officers on duty remain on duty for the time being to make sure things remain safe on the metro line. is one ofton marathon the most populated sporting events that we have in this country every single year. up to 20,000 people run a marathon every year. >> among those people are hundreds, perhaps thousands from our area. .hris is in a satellite center >> we have been on the phone with people who ran the boston marathon today.
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many were very close to the explosions. i just got off the phone with j. harrison from fredericksburg. he was running his first boston marathon. it is changing near the finish line. here is what he heard. while we are working on that, we also spoke with a man named stuart. he was in no stance near where that first explosion went off -- he was in those stands. he was waiting for his wife to cross the finish line. here is some of his story. >> i was waiting for my wife to come across, which would have been any moment. we heard a boom. it was not a massive boom. it was directly across from where i was sitting in the bleachers. there was a lot of smoke, then
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there was another boom further up the street. there was a lot of glass. obviously people were hurt. people started running. >> i want to take us back to jay harrison and his account. he had finished the race and was changing clothes. this was his experience. take a look. we heard these back-to-back very loud noises. it was a very confused and chaotic scene. people saying it's a bomb, it's a bomb. [unintelligible] venues.s transit
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i am very sad about that, and very sorry about it, too. tothey were ok and manage get out of the area without sustaining any injuries. we will continue to reach out to people from our area who were in boston for the marathon. we will bring you those stories as we get them. >> president obama was briefed about the explosions shortly after 3:00 this afternoon. the president says his administration will provide whatever said -- whatever support the city of boston needs. the boston goalie -- police commissioner held a news conference and said the search for more explosive devices is continuing. >> there were certainly a lot of people who were running from the scene. some of them with bags and parcels they were carrying. it one of those bags and parcels
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is being treated as a suspicious device at this time >> the police commissioner was urging bostonians to stay off the streets tonight and avoid large gatherings. and midshipman who ran in the marathon today is safe. safe.nners and staff are flights have been rounded at boston's logan airport. keep youontinue to posted with continuing coverage here of what ever happens in boston. the president will be speaking from the white house at any moment now. thehile we are waiting for president, -- do we have the president? we are going back to abc network and they will have the latest, including the latest from the president.
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every day, someone the united states government puts forth the best effort to figure out who is trying to kill us. the ag is briefed by the fbi director every day. the official said, what you know -- what you don't know is what you don't know. >> and here come the president. >> earlier today i was briefed by my homeland security team on the events in boston. we're continuing to monitor and respond to the situation as it unfolds and i've directed the full resources of the federal government to help state and local authorities protect our people, increase security around the united states as necessary, and investigate what happened. the american people will say a prayer for boston tonight, and michelle and i send our deepest thoughts and prayers to the famili
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families of the victims in the wake of this senseless loss. we don't yet have all the answers. but we know multiple people have been wounded, some gravely, in explosions at the boston marathon. i've spoken to fbi director muller and they're mobilizing the appropriate resources to investigate and respond. i've updated leaders of congress in both parties and we reaffirm on days like this, there are no republicans or democrats, we are americans united and concerned for our fellow citizens. i've spoken with governor patrick and mayor menino and made it clear they have every resource necessary to care for the victims and counsel the families. i made clear to them that all americans stand with the people of boston. boston police, firefighters, and first responders, as well as the national guard responded heroically and continue to do so as we speak. it'sa i reminder that so many
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americans serve and sacrifice on our behalf every single day, without regard to their own safety, in dangerous and difficult circumstances. we salute all those who assisted in responding so quickly and professionally to this tragedy. we still do not know who did this or why. and people shouldn't jump to conclusions before we have all the facts. but make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this, and we will find out who did this, we'll find out why they did this. any responsible individuals, any responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice. today's a holiday in massachusetts. patriots' day. a day that celebrates the free and fiercely independent spirit that this great american city of boston has reflected from the earliest days of our nation. and it's a day that draws the world to boston's streets in a
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spirit of friendly competition. boston is a tough and resilient town, so are its people. i'm confident bostonians will pull together, take care of each other and move forward as one proud city. as they do, the american people will be with them every single step of the way. you should anticipate that as bee get more information, our teams will provide you briefings. we're still in the investigation stage at this point. but i just want to reiterate, we will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable. thank you very much. >> president obama from the white house briefing room, saying that all americans stand with the people of boston, a tough and resilient town that has taken a tragedy today. two explosions shortly before 3:00 p.m., near the finish line of the boston marathon. at least two have been killed, dozens have been injured. the president also said we don't know yet who did this or why.
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as you look at that moment of impact, shortly before 3:00 p.m., but the president promising on behalf of all the american people that we will get to the bottom of this. the investigative stage has just begun. he's ordered every federal resource to help the mayor and governor and police of boston to figure out who did this. those people will be held accountable. we'll stay with this. diane sawyer will be here shortly with a special one-hour edition of "world news." much more on "nightline" and i'll see you tomorrow morning
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>> it has been a cool and clammy day. >> we are looking at a change to warmer weather. , 62 degreesarted right now at reagan national airport. of the atlantic ocean, but that is subject to change. we will climb into the 70's and the 80 degree range. we are below average temperatures by 4 degrees, but the overnight low temperature is above.
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62 right now at reagan national airport, 61 in fredericksburg and frederick. as we get through the evening, cloudy skies, made yellow a drizzle in a few spots. --56 degrees as the winds maybe a little stressful. as we get through the day tomorrow, we will look at just a few clouds and a change to more southerly winds. near the 60-degree mark and may be mid-70's tomorrow. air, and we cooler have a chance each day of an isolated shower thundershower. friday a majory
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cool front approach the area with the likelihood of showers and thunderstorms for the day on friday. breaks in the clouds, we will get some sunshine, temperatures in the 70's tomorrow. maybe a shower are isolated thunderstorm but friday is the day we are looking for the biggest chance of showers and thunderstorms. a 20% chance tomorrow. near 80 on thursday and friday, and then friday is the big day with showers and storms before in terms much cooler for the weekend. that is the very latest. >> some other news we are following tonight, developing story in howard county. an investigation is under way into a fire that destroyed the home. >> investigators say the fire is suspicious. brad bell has the story. abandoned farmhouse
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in howard county was so badly damaged by a fire that arson investigators say it must be torn down. sources say they believe the fire is likely no. 8 in a series of set fire since january. the most notorious of those blazes at two playgrounds in city parks that outraged the community. >> who would be so mean and hateful as to do that? most expensive fire was set march 6. the building was damaged and several trucks are ruined. a poster offering a $10,000 reward for information hangs in the window. nobody at the company was available to speak today. sources tell abc 7 that
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investigators believe the owners set ablaze last night that is related. say they just hope it stops. >> at first i thought it was one thing, one fire, and maybe some kids were smoking and got out of hand. now i don't know. there's got to be a solution. >> that is brad bell reporting from howard county.
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anncr: mnd many of the tornado's victims are... without homes tonit. girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... d together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from. across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apart... but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors.
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axed in the wake of those deadly explosions this afternoon in boston, new measures are in place in the district. >> a la happening around the district right now. extra security as a precaution after what happened this afternoon in boston. and metroanine units passengers are having their bags inspected.
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increase security at the pentagon and white house also taking extra precautions. here outside the u.s. castle we see increased police units, motorcycles riding around the area, but for the most part it has been business as usual -- at the u.s. capitol. police closing the area to pedestrian traffic as a precaution. police tightening their security. that happened a moment that the incidents took place in boston and d.c. police remain on heightened security levels. metrok transit police -- transit police increasing security. they will keep all the sea patrol officers on duty for the time being at the situation is still unfolding. most people we spoke with said that feel safe and secure and outside of the capital here today.
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let's recap, officials in boston now confirm to our debt, 23 others hurt after two bombs regard to explosions occurred -- two are dead. we have yet to confirm they were actually bombs. a boston police officer reports a third explosion in the city. the police commissioner says authorities are not certain the explosion at the jfk library was related to the other blast, but they are treating it as if it is. >> as with all these developments, we will keep you posted. abc news will have complete coverage for you coming up, a ♪ [ female announcer ] from meeting customer needs...
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